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« SWIRL », le nouvel album très attendu du François Bourassa Quartet, est sorti le 7 juillet 2023, lors d’un concert lancement dans le cadre du Festival International de Jazz de Montréal

Le Quartet, composé de François Bourassa au piano et aux compositions, André Leroux aux saxophones et à la flûte, Guy Boisvert à la contrebasse et Guillaume Pilote à la batterie, est une pierre angulaire du paysage artistique montréalais depuis plus de 25 ans. Leur profonde camaraderie musicale et leur talent exceptionnel en font un sommet de l’expression artistique.

Vivez l’énergie et la spontanéité d’un enregistrement live alors qu’ils interprètent six compositions originales, mettant en valeur leur polyvalence et leur passion pour le jazz.

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Swirl – Captation live aux Studios Piccolo


  1. Pooloop : Pièce qui exploite et développe de courts motifs répétés, en forme de ‘’loop’’.
  2. Prologue : Morceau introspectif évoluant progressivement vers un chaos semi organisé …
  3. Room 58 : Ballade composée à l’occasion des 58 ans de Chambrette.
  4. Costard : Jeu de superposition de différentes métriques.
  5.  Remous : Composition axée sur l’interaction et le dialogue entre musiciens.
  6. 15, Notre-Dame-de-Lorette : Clin d’œil à un jazz plus classique culminant vers une coda


Enregistré au Studio Piccolo les 2 et 3 juillet 2022 devant public

  • François Bourassa Piano, compositions
  • André Leroux Saxophones, flûte
  • Guy Boisvert Basse acoustique
  • Guillaume Pilote Batterie
  • Philippe Côté Direction artistique
  • Pierre Messier Ingénieur
  • Mathieu Bourassa Mixage audio, photos
  • Dana Whittle Graphisme
  • John Drew Munro Œuvre de la pochette


Album Solo: 

« His solo piano music is right on the line between composed and improvised; certain things must happen, yet  there’s also room to experiment. Is Maurice Ravel dreaming of Paul Bley — or is it the other way around? »  – Ethan Iverson 

« Ton (album) solo est une pure merveille. J’y retrouve toute ta force harmonique avec un paquet d’idées  impressionnantes – chapeau bas vraiment. » – Pierre de Bethmann 

« Il y a une magnifique inspiration, une magnifique introspection, une humilité qui rend totalement justice à la  musique » – Benoît Delbecq 

Album Quartet: 

«I am compelled to write to let you know that both of us were moved by the music you and the quartet made. …  Congratulations on a wondrous piece of work. … And, we should add, it’s thoroughly refreshing to hear music that  forces players to stretch to the limit. » Steve Swallow & Carla Bley

«François has developed a distinctive compositional voice and his playing is always engaged with his material. This  is interesting, exploratory and passionate music that is well worth spending time with. » – Fred Hersch 


  • Gérance / Booking Famgroup – Heidi Fleming https://famgroup.ca/ 
  • Label Effendi Records – Alain Bédard https://www.effendirecords.com/ 
  • Relation de Presse Orange Grove Publicity https://orangegrovepublicity.com/


Available now

« SWIRL », the highly anticipated new album by the François Bourassa Quartet was released on July 7, 2023. The album was launched as part of the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal

The Quartet, composed of François Bourassa on piano and compositions, André Leroux on saxophones and flute, Guy Boisvert on double bass and Guillaume Pilote on drums, has been a cornerstone of Montreal’s artistic landscape for over 25 years. Their deep musical camaraderie and exceptional talent make them a pinnacle of artistic expression.

Experience the live-recorded energy and spontaneity as they perform six original compositions, showcasing their versatility and passion for jazz.

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Watch the Album Swirl – Live recording at Piccolo Studios


  1. Pooloop: A piece that exploits and develops short repeated motifs, in the form of a « loop ».
  2. Prologue: An introspective piece that gradually evolves into a deconstruction.
  3. Room 58: A ballad composed on the occasion of Chambrette’s 58th birthday.
  4. Costard: A game of superimposing different metrics.
  5. Remous: A composition focused on interaction and dialogue between musicians.
  6. 15, Notre-Dame-de-Lorette: A nod to more classic jazz culminating in an explosive coda.


Recorded live at Studio Piccolo on July 2nd and 3rd, 2022

  • François Bourassa, Piano, compositions 
  • André Leroux, Saxophones, flute 
  • Guy Boisvert, bass 
  • Guillaume Pilote, Drums
  • Philippe Côté, Artistic direction
  • Pierre Messier, Sound engineer
  • Guy Hébert, Mastering & engineering
  • Mathieu Bourassa, Audio mixing, photos 
  • Dana Whittle, Graphic design
  • John Drew Munro, Artwork


Album Solo: 

« His solo piano music is right on the line between composed and improvised; certain things must happen, yet there’s also room to experiment. Is Maurice Ravel dreaming of Paul Bley — or is it the other way around? » – Ethan Iverson

« Your (solo) album is a pure marvel. I find all of your harmonic strength with a bunch of impressive ideas – truly hats off to you. » – Pierre de Bethmann

« There’s a beautiful inspiration, a beautiful introspection, a humility that does complete justice to the music. » –Benoît Delbecq

Album Quartet: 

I am compelled to write to let you know that both of us were moved by the music you and the quartet made. …  Congratulations on a wondrous piece of work. … And, we should add, it’s thoroughly refreshing to hear music that  forces players to stretch to the limit.  » -Steve Swallow & Carla Bley 

François has developed a distinctive compositional voice and his playing is always engaged with his material. This  is interesting, exploratory and passionate music that is well worth spending time with. » -Fred Hersch 


  • Management / Booking – Famgroup/ Heidi Fleming https://famgroup.ca/ 
  • Label Effendi Records – Alain Bédard https://www.effendirecords.com/ 
  • Presse RelationsOrange Grove Publicity https://orangegrovepublicity.com/